Types come in 3 flavors:
- mutable, copied by valueclass
- mutable, copied by referencedata
- immutable, copied by reference
You can label the fields to make code more readable. You can instantiate a class either by labeling all the fields or labeling none. Labeling part of the fields is not allowed.
struct Vector {
// fields can be marked public or/and annotated with type,
// but this does not change semantics(now)
pub y : Number;
let v = Vector:{ x: 5, y: 10 };
print(v); // Vector{x=5, pub y: Number=10}
// struct is copied by value, so `a` is not the same object as `v`
let a = v;
a.x = 1;
print(v, a); // Vector{x=5, pub y: Number=10} Vector{x=1, pub y: Number=10}
let v2 = Vector:{ x: 5, y: 10 };
// let v2 = Vector:{ 5, y: 10 }; // would throw an error